Welcome to my new temporary website. 

Since launching Team Leader Leadership Development Limited nearly eight years ago, I've been successful beyond what I considered possible. Working under the Team Leader brand has been great, I've built a strong client base, and I've not found the need to advertise. My results have spoken for themselves, and clients have sought my services after hearing about the value that I have provided to others.

Why change?

Eight years ago I wouldn't have dared to trade under my own name. That would have seemed pretentious. Now, eight years on, I've come to realise that I am good, in fact very good, at what I do. If others believe that, why shouldn't I? 

I'm proud to have been sought out by some iconic organisations to be their leadership and team expert. 

I've accepted that what's made me successful is my own expertise - over thirty years of being a leader in the New Zealand Defence Force gave me a solid experience base of leading, being in teams, and being a follower. I know what it takes to do these things well, and this knowledge has come from the university of life.

I've also been privileged to have led an organisational leadership evolution, over a span of five years, immediately before I launched Team Leader. I know how organisations work, I know how hard it is to change cultures, and I know what people want and need in their leaders in order to have high-performing teams.

Now, after nearly eight years of providing leader and team development services to a wide range of organisations, I've decided that I know where I best add value, and where I can change the world, one leader at time.

I've taken the conscious decision to move away from the Team Leader brand. I have no intention of growing Team Leader as a business - why would I want to focus on running a business when my passion and expertise is doing the actual work of helping other teams and leaders?

Instead, it's just me, and it will always be just me. I'm operating a practice, not a business. If you choose to work with me, it's me who you get.

I invite you to work with me and make the world a better place, together.

Drop me a note at rob@robhoult.com and let's start our conversation.
